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Category: Department of Clinical Medicine & Surgery

Faculty: Faculty of Clinical Sciences

Year of Study: 2

Semester: 1

Module Outcomes:

Course Outline for Surgery I

Code: Sur216 
Hours: 60 
Credit: 6 
Module Competence
This module is designed to enable the learner acquire the appropriate knowledge and skills to diagnose and manage patients with general surgical and orthopaedic disorders/conditions.
Module Outcomes
By the end of this module, the learner should;

Course Content

Module Content

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Introduction to Surgery I
Introduction Surgery I Bonus
Introduction to Surgery notes
Introduction to Surgery I B
History taking general surgery
General surgery history taking
Introduction to general Surgery I notes
Metabolic response to injury
Metabolic response to trauma..
Metabolic response to Surgery notes
Surgical infections classification
Classification of surgical conditions
Classification of surgical conditions notes
Common surgical conditions
Introduction to orthopedics and traumatology
Fractures~Full notes orthopedics
Orthopedics history taking and physical examination
Orthopedics disorders
Orthopedics Revision MCQs
MCQs Orthopedics Revision
Orthopedics Nursing
Principles of Fracture Management notes
Treatment of orthopedics Disorders
Preoperative Management
Preoperative Management notes
Preoperative Assessment notes
Preoperative Care
Postoperative Care notes
Postoperative Notes
Postoperative Notes bonus
Postoperative Notes bonus #
Pre and post Operative Surgery notes
Pre Post Operative Surgery notes bonus
General anaesthesia notes
Anaesthesia notes A
Anaesthesia notes B
Anaesthesia notes C
Anaesthesia Mnemonics
Burns and Soft tissue Notes
Soft tissue Conditions Notes
Introduction to soft tissue infections
Soft tissue infections notes
Chest conditions Full Notes
Surgery Chest conditions notes
Chest X-rays
Chest Histories
Chest Trauma