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Hospital Plant and Building Services I
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Hospital Plant and Building Services I

Category: Department of Medical Engineering

Faculty: Faculty of Rehabilitative Sciences

Year of Study: 3

Semester: 1

Module Outcomes:

Hospital Plant and Building Services i

 Code: HPB 109
 Hours: 90 
Credit: 9 6.1 
Module Competence 
This module is designed to provide the learner with necessary knowledge and skills to install, service, maintain and repair various plant and supply systems in hospital setup 6.2Module Outcomes By the end of this module, the learner should; 
1. Install, service, maintain and repair refrigeration and air conditioning, medical gasses and vacuum systems 

Course Content

Module Content: 



  1. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning; safety regulations; protective clothing, refrigerants handling, mechanical/electrical safety. pipe work processes; cutting, debarring, bending, joining: soldering/brazing, flared joints, swaged joints, choice of correct pipe. constructions of vapour compression of refrigeration model; maintenance of commercial refrigeration units, maintenance of central air conditioning system.

    Medical Gases and Vacuum Systems; types of gases; familiarization visits to functional piped gas installations, physical features. model systems; design, install. servicing and maintenance of gas and vacuum installations; medical gas systems, compressed air systems, vacuum systems, testing and safety

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
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application of physics to basic refrigeration systems;
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refrigeration cycles;
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commercial systems
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Medical Gases and Vacuum Systems
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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning;
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