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Health System Management II
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Health System Management II

Category: Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Medicine

Faculty: Faculty of Clinical Sciences

Year of Study: 3

Semester: 2

Module Outcomes:

Health System Management II Code: HSM 2210 

Hours: 30 
Credit: 3 
Module Competence 
The aim of this module is to develop learner competencies in strengthening health care systems at their level within the health sector in Kenya.  
Module Outcomes
 At the end of this module, the learners shall be able to:
 1. Describe financial resource mobilization, allocation and effective utilization of financial resources available. 
2. Describe management of health information systems. 
3. Explain need of quality assurance in health care services.
 4. Describe the process of project management.
 5. Explain the importance of monitoring and evaluation processes in health care. 

Course Content

Module Content

 Financial Resource Management: The role of parliament, treasury the controller and auditor general in public financial management, Sources of health care financing, Financial accounting systems and mechanisms, Accounting documents; Imprest, vouchers, per diem, Facility Improvement Fund (FIF), Salary, Allowances, Vote Books, Budget types. 


Health Information Systems: Health Information; Sources, types, systems, Data collection methods, storage and analysis, Information utilization; applications, policy development, decision making. 


Quality Assurance in Health Services: Quality assurance; concepts, principles, Quality assurance in the healthcare setting, Methods and tools of measuring quality, Standards in measuring quality. 

Principles, concepts, the importance of planning, Project Planning, Proposal writing, Types of plans‐ strategic plans, Annual operational plans, annual, departmental and individual plans, Project planning process; Cycle, situation analysis, feedback, prioritization, developing implementation plans, budgeting, techniques for public involvement.


 Monitoring and Evaluation: Monitoring and Evaluation; concepts, types, processes, Monitoring and evaluation tools: terms of reference, monitoring tools, evaluation tools, Performance Indicators and targets, concepts, definitions, performance standards, work breakdown schedules (WBS), work plans, logical framework approach (LFA), Reports; types, formats, characteristics of a good report. 

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Financial Resource Management:
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Health Information Systems
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Quality Assurance in Health Services
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