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Category: Department of Clinical Medicine & Surgery

Faculty: Faculty of Clinical Sciences

Year of Study: 1

Semester: 1

Module Outcomes:

Module Competence

 This module is designed to enable the learner demonstrate understanding of human anatomy in management of patients. 
Module Outcomes
By the end of this module, the learner shall be able to:
  1. Demonstrate an understanding of introduction to human anatomy.  
  2. Use knowledge on levels of structural organization.
  3. Apply knowledge of embryology.
  4. Describe body cavities.
  5. Demonstrate understanding of body systems.

Course Content

Module Content 

1. Introduction; introduction to human anatomy, definitions, sub-disciplines of anatomy, anatomical terminologies (body positions, regional names, directional terms) planes and sections,2. Levels of structural organization;chemical (chemical elements), cellular (cell-parts of cell, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and organelles), tissue histology-types (epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous), structure and locations, organ systems and organisms.3. Embryology; cell division (mitosis, meiosis), gametogenesis, fertilization, embryogenesis and organogenesis.4. Body cavities; cranial, thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavity, abdominopelvic regions and quadrants, planes and sections. 5. Body systems; skeletal system; type of bones, bone surface markings; axial and appendicular skeleton. Joints - classification.6. Muscular System; principles skeletal muscles (origin, insertion, action and nerve supply).7. Cardiovascular System; heart(cardiac muscle, valves), blood vessels (Aorta, veins of systemic circulation). 8. Lymphatic system; structure, location of lymphatic tissues. 9. Digestive System; organization of the digestive tract, organs and the accessory organs of digestive system. 10. Respiratory system; organs, accessory organs.11. Genito-urinary system (reproductive and urinary),12. Nervous system – central peripheral systems



introduction to human anatomy
Levels of structural organization
Body cavities
Body systems
Muscular System
Cardiovascular System
Lymphatic system
Digestive System
Respiratory system
Genito-urinary system
Nervous system
Revision questions 1
Revision questions 2