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Category: Department of Clinical Medicine & Surgery

Faculty: Faculty of Clinical Sciences

Year of Study: 1

Semester: 2

Module Outcomes:

Code: CHE 123
Hours: 30
Credit: 3
Module Competence
This module is designed to enable the learner identify determinants of diseases in the community, plan community health education, design and deliver health promotion messages. 
Module Outcomes
By the end of this module the learner should:

Course Content

Module content 

Human Nutrition; Introduction, food groups, common nutritional disorders, prevention and control, Diet for special groups.

Introduction to environmental health; definitions, types of environment, factors influencing the environment, pest and rodents control, Pollution,sources of pollution and its control.

Waste management and housing; Definition, types of waste, disposal methods, sewage treatment, Housing,definitions, house patterns in the community, characteristics of a good house, diseases associated with housing.

Water supply and food hygiene; definition, sources, protection, sampling, treatment, storage, Water borne diseases, food

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Community health Il
Community health II full Notes